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Uber Eats Delivery Insurance

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Uber Eats Delivery Insurance UK Price Comparison
Uber Eats Delivery Insurance UK Price Comparison

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Uber Eats delivery insurance is a hire-and-reward insurance policy, which is a legal requirement if you are delivering food, gorcies or any other products for the purpose of making money from it as a business. Find the most competitive policy to suit your needs today by filling out the form above and letting us help you get covered.

Uber Eats Delivery Insurance UK Price Comparison

What is Uber Eats Delivery Insurance?

Uber Eats delivery insurance is specialised coverage for drivers who deliver food using personal or commercial vehicles. Standard personal car insurance policies typically do not cover commercial activities, making this insurance essential. Delivering food for Uber Eats is considered a commercial activity, requiring appropriate hire and reward insurance to meet legal requirements and ensure you are covered in the event of an accident.

While Uber Eats provides third-party liability insurance, this does not cover damages to your vehicle or goods in transit. Additional insurance ensures comprehensive protection. Personal accident and public liability insurance protect you from the financial impact of injuries, property damage, or legal claims arising from delivery activities. Uber Eats delivery insurance is crucial for legal compliance and comprehensive protection, ensuring drivers are covered for all potential risks while delivering food.

Uber Eats Hire and Reward Insurance Policy Can Include:


Flexible Monthly Payments


24hr Claims Helpline


Windscreen Cover


Accident Support / Replacement Vehicle


No Claims Discount / Protected NCB


Hire & Reward Cover


Introductory Prices


Comprehensive Cover

Uber Eats Delivery Insurance UK Price Comparison

Uber Eats Delivery Insurance FAQs

What type of insurance cover do I need for Uber Eats delivery?

As an Uber Eats delivery driver in the UK, you need specific types of insurance cover to ensure you are adequately protected while working. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the insurance cover you should consider:

uber eats delivery insurance

1. Hire and Reward Insurance


  • This type of insurance is essential for anyone who uses their vehicle to carry goods or passengers in exchange for payment. It covers the vehicle while it is being used for commercial purposes, such as delivering food for Uber Eats.

Why You Need It:

  • Personal car insurance typically does not cover you if you use your vehicle for commercial activities. Without hire and reward insurance, any claims made while delivering for Uber Eats could be rejected, leaving you personally liable.

2. Public Liability Insurance


  • Public liability insurance covers you against claims made by third parties for injuries or damage to their property due to your business activities.

Why You Need It:

  • This cover protects you if, for example, you accidentally injure someone or damage property while making a delivery. It helps cover legal fees and compensation costs.

3. Goods in Transit Insurance


  • This insurance covers the items you transport against loss, theft, or damage in your vehicle.

Why You Need It:

  • As an Uber Eats driver, you are responsible for the food you are delivering. Goods-in-transit insurance ensures that you are covered if the food is damaged or stolen while in your care.

4. Commercial Vehicle Insurance


  • Commercial vehicle insurance provides comprehensive cover for your vehicle when it is used for business purposes.

Why You Need It:

  • This type of insurance can include cover for accidents, theft, fire, and damage to your vehicle while it is being used for deliveries. It protects you against the costs associated with repairing or replacing your vehicle if something goes wrong.

5. Personal Accident Insurance


  • Personal accident insurance provides financial compensation if you are injured in an accident while working.

Why You Need It:

  • Delivering for Uber Eats involves risks, and if you are injured while on the job, this insurance can help cover medical expenses and lost income during your recovery.

To be fully protected while delivering for Uber Eats in the UK, you need hire and reward, public liability, goods in transit, commercial vehicle, and personal accident insurance. These covers ensure that you, your vehicle, and your transport goods are adequately protected, giving you peace of mind while you work. Always check with insurance providers to find the best policies tailored to your needs as an Uber Eats delivery driver.

Does Uber Eats provide any insurance for delivery drivers in the UK?

Uber Eats does provide some insurance coverage for its delivery drivers in the UK, but it is important to understand its limitations and what additional coverage you might need.

Provided Coverage

  1. Third-Party Liability Insurance:

    • Uber Eats offers third-party liability insurance, which covers damages or injuries you may cause to others or property while delivering. This helps protect you from significant financial liability in case of an accident.
  2. Personal Injury Protection:

    • Uber Eats also provides personal injury protection, which covers certain medical expenses and lost earnings if you are injured while making deliveries. This can provide some financial support if you cannot work due to an accident.


  1. Vehicle Damage:

    • The provided insurance does not cover damage to your vehicle. You will need separate commercial vehicle insurance or comprehensive cover to protect against this.
  2. Goods in Transit:

    • Uber Eats does not provide coverage for the food you are delivering. Goods-in-transit insurance is necessary to cover any potential loss, theft, or damage to the transported items.
  3. Full-Time Coverage:

    • The insurance provided by Uber Eats only applies while you are actively working on the platform. It is important to have additional hire and reward insurance for complete coverage.
    • While Uber Eats provides some basic insurance coverage for delivery drivers in the UK, including third-party liability and personal injury protection, additional insurance is necessary to protect your vehicle and the goods you transport fully.

While Uber Eats provides some basic insurance coverage for delivery drivers in the UK, including third-party liability and personal injury protection, additional insurance is necessary to protect your vehicle and the goods you transport fully.

What is the difference between personal car insurance and commercial car insurance for Uber Eats delivery?

Personal and commercial car insurance serve different purposes and offer distinct types of coverage, which is especially important for Uber Eats delivery drivers.

Personal Car Insurance

Personal car insurance covers private use of your vehicle, such as commuting to work, shopping, and leisure driving. It typically includes:

  • Liability Coverage: Protection against claims from third parties for injury or property damage.
  • Comprehensive and Collision Coverage: Protection for your vehicle against damage from accidents, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters.
  • Medical Payments or Personal Injury Protection: Coverage for medical expenses for you and your passengers after an accident.

However, personal car insurance does not cover the vehicle when it is used for commercial activities, such as delivering food for Uber Eats. Using your car for deliveries without informing your insurer can result in denied claims and policy cancellation.

Commercial Car Insurance

Commercial car insurance is specifically designed for vehicles used for business purposes, including Uber Eats delivery. It provides:

  • Hire and Reward Insurance: This insurance covers transporting goods or passengers in exchange for payment, which is essential for delivery drivers.
  • Liability Coverage: Higher liability limits than personal insurance, covering injuries and property damage to third parties.
  • Goods in Transit Insurance: Protection for the items you deliver against loss, theft, or damage.
  • Commercial Use Coverage: Comprehensive and collision coverage that applies while using the vehicle for business activities.

Commercial car insurance ensures that you are fully covered while working as an Uber Eats delivery driver, meeting legal requirements and protecting you from financial risks associated with commercial driving.

How can I find the best insurance policy for Uber Eats delivery drivers?

Finding the best insurance policy for Uber Eats delivery drivers involves several key steps to ensure you get comprehensive coverage at an affordable price. Here’s how to go about it:

1. Assess Your Needs

Determine the specific coverage you require. Essential coverages include hire and reward, public liability, and goods in transit insurance. You may also consider personal accident insurance and comprehensive vehicle coverage to protect against various risks.

2. Research and Compare

Use insurance comparison websites to research and compare policies from different insurers. these can provide quotes from multiple providers, allowing you to compare prices and coverage options.

3. Check for Specialist Insurers

Look for insurers that specialise in policies for delivery drivers and the gig economy. Specialist insurers often offer tailored policies that cater specifically to the needs of Uber Eats drivers, providing more relevant and comprehensive coverage.

4. Read Reviews and Ratings

Read reviews and ratings of different insurance providers to gauge their reputation and customer service quality. Websites like Trustpilot and ReviewCentre can provide insights from other drivers about their experiences with various insurers.

5. Consult an Insurance Broker

Consider consulting an insurance broker who specialises in commercial vehicle insurance. Brokers can provide personalised advice, help you find the best deals, and assist in tailoring a policy that fits your specific needs.

6. Verify Policy Details

Carefully review the policy details, including exclusions, limits, and excesses. Ensure the policy covers all necessary aspects of your delivery work and understand what is included and excluded.

What is covered in an Uber Eats delivery insurance policy?

Uber Eats delivery insurance typically includes a range of coverages designed to protect drivers while working. The specific coverages can vary depending on the insurer and the policy but generally include the following:

1. Hire and Reward Insurance


  • This is essential for anyone using their vehicle to transport goods or passengers for payment. It covers your vehicle when it is being used for commercial purposes, such as delivering food for Uber Eats.

Why It’s Important:

  • Personal car insurance does not cover commercial activities, so hire and reward insurance ensures you are legally compliant and protected while making deliveries.

2. Public Liability Insurance


  • Protects you against claims made by third parties for injury or property damage resulting from your delivery activities.

Why It’s Important:

  • This cover helps cover legal fees and compensation costs if, for example, you accidentally injure someone or damage property while making a delivery.

3. Goods in Transit Insurance


  • Covers the items you transport against loss, theft, or damage while in your vehicle.

Why It’s Important:

  • Ensures that the food or goods you deliver are protected is crucial for maintaining good customer service and avoiding financial loss.

4. Commercial Vehicle Insurance


  • Comprehensive cover for your vehicle when used for business purposes. This typically includes protection against accidents, theft, fire, and damage to your vehicle.

Why It’s Important:

  • Provides peace of mind that your vehicle is covered for any damage incurred while working, ensuring you can continue to operate without significant financial burden.

5. Personal Accident Insurance


  • Offers financial compensation if you are injured in an accident while working. It can cover medical expenses and lost earnings during recovery.

Why It’s Important:

  • Delivers financial support in case of injury, helping you manage healthcare costs and maintain income if you cannot work.

Uber Eats delivery insurance typically covers hire and reward, public liability, goods in transit, commercial vehicle, and personal accident insurance. These coverages protect you against various risks while delivering food, providing comprehensive financial protection and peace of mind.

Do I need additional insurance if I already have personal car insurance for Uber Eats delivery?

Yes, you do need additional insurance if you already have personal car insurance and plan to deliver for Uber Eats. Personal car insurance typically does not cover commercial activities, such as food delivery. Here’s why additional insurance is necessary:

1. Hire and Reward Insurance

Why It’s Necessary:

  • Personal car insurance policies exclude commercial use, meaning they won’t cover you while delivering goods or passengers for payment. Hire and reward insurance is specifically designed to cover vehicles used for commercial purposes, including Uber Eats delivery. Without it, you would be driving uninsured while working, which is illegal and could lead to severe penalties.

2. Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Why It’s Necessary:

  • While personal car insurance may cover private use, commercial vehicle insurance covers the additional risks associated with business use. This includes protection against accidents, theft, fire, and damage that occurs while you are delivering for Uber Eats.

3. Goods in Transit Insurance

Why It’s Necessary:

  • Personal car insurance does not cover the items you are transporting. Goods in transit insurance protects the food or other items you are delivering against loss, theft, or damage, ensuring you can compensate for any issues that arise during delivery.

4. Public Liability Insurance

Why It’s Necessary:

  • Personal car insurance policies do not typically include public liability coverage. Public liability insurance protects you against claims made by third parties for injuries or property damage that occur during your deliveries. This is crucial for covering legal fees and compensation costs if an accident happens while you are working.

5. Personal Accident Insurance

Why It’s Necessary:

  • Personal car insurance might not provide sufficient coverage if you are injured while working. Personal accident insurance offers financial compensation for medical expenses and lost earnings if you are injured in an accident while delivering for Uber Eats.
What are the common exclusions in insurance policies for Uber Eats delivery drivers?

Insurance policies for Uber Eats delivery drivers are essential to ensure comprehensive cover while working. However, there are common exclusions that drivers should be aware of to avoid potential issues when making a claim. Here are some of the typical exclusions:

1. Personal Use of Vehicle


  • Some policies may only cover your vehicle while it is being used for delivery purposes and exclude personal use.


  • The policy might not provide cover if an accident occurs while using the vehicle for personal reasons.

2. Unapproved Drivers


  • Policies often exclude coverage if the vehicle is driven by someone not listed or approved by the insurance policy.


  • The claim could be denied if an accident occurs with an unapproved driver.

3. Driving Without a Valid Licence


  • Driving without a valid licence, including an expired or suspended licence, is typically excluded.


  • Any incidents while driving without a valid licence will not be covered.

4. Illegal Activities


  • Any illegal activities, including driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, are excluded.


  • Claims will be denied if the driver is found to be engaging in illegal activities during an incident.

5. Wear and Tear


  • Standard wear and tear, maintenance issues, or mechanical breakdowns are not covered.


  • Costs for regular maintenance or repairs due to wear and tear must be covered out of pocket.

6. Unreported Modifications


  • Vehicle modifications not reported to the insurer may be excluded from cover.


  • If the vehicle has unreported modifications, the insurer may deny claims related to those modifications.

7. Delivery Outside the Insured Area


  • Some policies may limit cover to specific geographic areas.


  • Deliveries made outside of these areas might not be covered.

8. Unauthorised Goods


  • Transporting goods not authorised by the insurer, such as hazardous materials, is usually excluded.


  • Any incidents occurring while transporting unauthorised goods will not be covered.

9. Time Restrictions


  • Certain policies may only provide cover during specific hours of operation.


  • Deliveries made outside these hours may not be covered.

Understanding common exclusions in insurance policies for Uber Eats delivery drivers is crucial to ensure you are fully protected while working. Common exclusions include personal vehicle use, unapproved drivers, driving without a valid licence, illegal activities, wear and tear, unreported modifications, delivery outside the insured area, unauthorised goods, and time restrictions. Being aware of these exclusions helps make informed decisions and maintain compliance with the policy terms to avoid denied claims.

How much does insurance for Uber Eats delivery typically cost?

The cost of insurance for Uber Eats delivery in the UK can vary significantly depending on several factors. These include your age, driving experience, the type of vehicle you use, and the level of cover you choose. However, here is a general overview to give you an idea of what to expect:

Factors Affecting the Cost

  1. Driver’s Age and Experience:

    • Younger and less experienced drivers tend to pay higher premiums. For instance, drivers under 25 may face higher costs due to being considered higher risk.
  2. Vehicle Type:

    • The make, model, and age of your vehicle can influence the cost. Newer or more expensive vehicles generally cost more to insure.
  3. Location:

    • Where you live and work can impact your insurance premium. Urban areas with higher traffic and crime rates may result in higher costs.
  4. Insurance History:

    • Your previous claims history and no-claims bonus can affect the premium. A clean record can help reduce costs.
  5. Level of Cover:

    • The type of insurance cover you choose (e.g., third-party, third-party fire and theft, comprehensive) will impact the cost. Comprehensive cover is typically the most expensive but offers the most protection.

Estimated Costs

  1. Hire and Reward Insurance:

    • This essential cover for delivering goods can cost between £1000 to £2000 per year, depending on the factors mentioned above.
  2. Comprehensive Cover:

    • Comprehensive insurance, which includes hire and reward, as well as other protections like theft and damage, can range from £1500 to £3000 annually.
  3. Third-Party Only Cover:

    • This is the minimum legal requirement and tends to be cheaper, ranging from £800 to £1500 per year, but it offers limited protection.
  4. Additional Cover Options:

    • Adding public liability or goods in transit insurance can increase the premium. Public liability cover might add around £100 to £200 per year, while goods in transit insurance could add another £100 to £300 annually.

Reducing the Cost

  • Shop Around:
    • Compare quotes from multiple insurers to find the best deal.
  • Increase Voluntary Excess:
    • Agreeing to pay a higher excess can lower your premium.
  • Bundle Policies:
    • Some insurers offer discounts if you bundle different types of insurance together.
  • Improve Security:
    • Installing security features in your vehicle can reduce the cost.
What steps should I take if I have an accident while delivering for Uber Eats?

If you have an accident while delivering for Uber Eats, it’s important to act promptly and follow certain steps to ensure your safety and properly handle the situation. Here’s what you should do:

1. Ensure Safety First

  • Check for Injuries:
    • Immediately check yourself and others involved for injuries. If anyone is hurt, call emergency services (999) right away.
  • Move to Safety:
    • If it’s safe to do so, move your vehicle to a safe location to prevent further accidents or obstructions.

2. Report the Accident

  • Contact Emergency Services:
    • Call the police to report the accident, especially if there are injuries or significant damage or if the other party is uncooperative.
  • Inform Uber Eats:
    • Report the accident to Uber Eats through the app or by contacting their support team. They must be aware of the incident as it occurred during a delivery.

3. Exchange Information

  • Gather Details:
    • Exchange names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance details with the other driver(s) involved. Also, note the make, model, and registration number of the other vehicle(s).
  • Witnesses:
    • If there are any witnesses, collect their contact information as they might be helpful later.

4. Document the Scene

  • Take Photos:
    • Use your phone to take pictures of the accident scene, including vehicle damage, road conditions, and any relevant signs or signals.
  • Notes:
    • Write down your recollection of the accident, including the date, time, location, and any contributing factors.

5. Notify Your Insurance Company

  • Contact Your Insurer:
    • Inform your insurance company about the accident as soon as possible. Please provide them with all the details and documentation you have gathered.
  • Uber Eats Insurance:
    • If Uber Eats provides any insurance cover, such as third-party liability, inform them and follow their claims process.

6. Seek Medical Attention

  • Check for Injuries:
    • Even if you feel fine, consider visiting a doctor for a check-up to rule out any hidden injuries.

7. Follow Up

  • Repair and Claims:
    • Follow up with your insurance company regarding vehicle repairs and any claims. Keep track of all communications and documentation.
  • Legal Assistance:
    • If needed, seek legal advice to understand your rights and responsibilities.

8. Dash Camera Footage

    • Download all recordings for your evidence in case this is needed later on.

If you have an accident while delivering for Uber Eats, ensure safety first, report the accident to emergency services and Uber Eats, exchange information with other parties involved, document the scene, notify your insurance company, seek medical attention, and follow up on claims and repairs. Acting promptly and following these steps will help you manage the situation effectively and ensure you are covered legally and financially.

Can my personal car insurance policy be cancelled if I don't inform them about my Uber Eats delivery job?

Yes, your personal car insurance policy can be cancelled if you do not inform your insurer about your Uber Eats delivery job. Here’s why and what you need to know:

Breach of Policy Terms

Material Change in Risk:

  • Using your vehicle for Uber Eats delivery constitutes a material change in how your vehicle is used. Personal car insurance policies are typically underwritten based on private use. Engaging in commercial activities, such as food delivery, without informing your insurer breaches the terms of your policy.

Consequences of Non-Disclosure

  1. Policy Cancellation:

    • If your insurer discovers you are using your vehicle for commercial purposes without disclosure, they may cancel your policy. This could leave you uninsured and legally exposed.
  2. Claim Denial:

    • Should you be involved in an accident or incident while delivering for Uber Eats, your insurer may deny any claims related to that incident due to non-disclosure of commercial use.
  3. Legal and Financial Risks:

    • Driving without proper insurance is illegal and can result in fines, penalty points on your licence, and even vehicle impoundment. Additionally, you would be personally liable for any damages or injuries caused in an accident.

Steps to Take

  1. Inform Your Insurer:

    • Contact your insurance provider and inform them about your intention to deliver for Uber Eats. They can advise you on whether your current policy can be adjusted or if you need to purchase additional coverage, such as hire and reward insurance.
  2. Update Your Policy:

    • Ensure your policy is updated to reflect your vehicle’s commercial use. This may involve switching to a commercial car insurance policy with hire and reward coverage.
  3. Shop Around:

    • If your current insurer cannot provide the necessary coverage, compare quotes from other insurers specialising in providing insurance for gig economy workers and delivery drivers.

Failing to inform your personal car insurance provider about your Uber Eats delivery job can lead to policy cancellation, claim denial, and significant legal and financial risks. To avoid these consequences, promptly notify your insurer and ensure you have the appropriate coverage for commercial use. This will keep you legally compliant and adequately protected while delivering for Uber Eats.

What are the penalties if I am caught by the police delivery for Uber Eats without the correct insurance?

If you are caught by the police delivering for Uber Eats without the correct insurance, you could face severe legal and financial penalties. Here’s what you can expect:

1. Fixed Penalty Notice

  • Fine:
    • You may receive a fixed penalty notice with a fine of £300.
  • Penalty Points:
    • Your driving licence could be endorsed with 6 penalty points.

2. Court Summons

If your case goes to court, the penalties can be more severe:

  • Unlimited Fine:
    • The court can impose an unlimited fine, depending on the severity of the offence and your financial circumstances.
  • Penalty Points:
    • Your driving licence could be endorsed with between 6 and 8 penalty points.
  • Driving Ban:
    • In some cases, the court may decide to impose a driving ban instead of or in addition to penalty points.

3. Vehicle Seizure and Impoundment

  • Immediate Seizure:
    • The police can seize and impound your vehicle if you drive without valid insurance.
  • Release Fees:
    • To reclaim your vehicle, you will need to pay a substantial release fee. Additionally, you may be required to show proof of valid insurance before the vehicle is released.
  • Storage Charges:
    • You will incur daily storage charges if your vehicle is stored for any period.

4. Increased Insurance Premiums

  • Higher Costs:
    • A conviction for driving without insurance will lead to significantly higher insurance premiums in the future, as insurers will classify you as a high-risk driver.
  • Limited Options:
    • Some insurers may refuse to cover you, making it more difficult to find affordable insurance.

5. Criminal Record

  • Impact on Employment:
    • Having a criminal record for driving without insurance can impact employment opportunities, especially if your job involves driving or operating vehicles.
  • Travel Restrictions:
    • Certain countries may deny entry to individuals with criminal records, affecting your ability to travel internationally.

Important to be correctly insured

Delivering for Uber Eats without the correct insurance in the UK can result in severe penalties, including fines, penalty points, driving bans, vehicle seizure, and increased insurance premiums. To avoid these consequences, ensure you have the appropriate hire and reward insurance and other necessary coverages before starting your delivery job. This will keep you legally compliant and protected against potential risks and penalties.

Comprehensive guide to Uber Eats delivery insurance

In the gig economy, where flexible working hours and the potential for earning extra income attract many, delivering for Uber Eats has become a popular choice. However, while the job offers flexibility, it also comes with specific responsibilities, particularly regarding insurance. This article delves into everything you need to know about Uber Eats delivery insurance, including essential terms like “Uber food delivery insurance pay as you go,” “food delivery car insurance,” and “cheap food delivery insurance.”

Understanding Uber Eats Delivery Insurance

Uber Eats delivery insurance is specialised coverage designed to protect drivers using their personal or commercial vehicles to deliver food. Standard personal car insurance typically does not cover commercial activities, making it crucial for drivers to secure the appropriate insurance for Uber Eats drivers in the UK.

Why Personal Car Insurance Isn’t Enough

Personal car insurance policies are for private use, such as commuting or leisure driving. The risk profile changes significantly when you use your vehicle for commercial purposes, like delivering food. If you fail to inform your insurer and have an accident while delivering for Uber Eats, any claims may be denied, and your policy could be cancelled. This is why obtaining food delivery car insurance is essential.

Types of Uber Eats Delivery Insurance

  1. Hire and Reward Insurance


    • This is the most critical type of insurance for Uber Eats drivers. It covers the vehicle when used to transport goods or passengers for payment.

    Why It’s Needed:

    • Without hire and reward insurance, you are effectively uninsured while delivering for Uber Eats, which is illegal and exposes you to significant financial risk.
  2. Public Liability Insurance


    • This insurance covers claims by third parties for injuries or property damage caused during your delivery activities.

    Why It’s Needed:

    • Public liability insurance protects you from potential legal and compensation costs if an accident occurs while delivering food.
  3. Goods in Transit Insurance


    • This covers the items you transport against loss, theft, or damage in your vehicle.

    Why It’s Needed:

    • Protecting the food you deliver is crucial for maintaining good customer service and avoiding financial loss.
  4. Commercial Vehicle Insurance


    • Comprehensive cover for your vehicle when used for business purposes, including protection against accidents, theft, and damage.

    Why It’s Needed:

    • It provides peace of mind that your vehicle is covered for any damage incurred while working.
  5. Personal Accident Insurance


    • Offers financial compensation if you are injured in an accident while working, covering medical expenses and lost earnings.

    Why It’s Needed:

    • Delivers financial support in case of injury, helping you manage healthcare costs and maintain income if you cannot work.

Flexible and Cost-Effective Options

For those seeking flexible insurance solutions, “Uber food delivery insurance pay as you go” options are becoming increasingly popular. These policies allow you to pay for coverage only when working, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional annual policies. This can be particularly beneficial for part-time drivers or those who deliver sporadically.

Finding Cheap Food Delivery Insurance

Securing affordable insurance is a priority for many drivers. Here are some tips for finding cheap food delivery insurance:

  1. Compare Quotes:

    • Use comparison websites to get quotes from multiple insurers. This helps you find the best deal tailored to your needs.
  2. Increase Your Voluntary Excess:

    • Agreeing to pay a higher excess can reduce your premium. However, ensure you can afford the excess in case of a claim.
  3. Bundle Policies:

    • Some insurers offer discounts if you bundle different types of insurance, such as combining your food delivery insurance with home or contents insurance.
  4. Maintain a Clean Driving Record:

    • A clean driving history can help lower your premiums. Avoid traffic violations and accidents to keep your record spotless.
  5. Install Security Features:

    • Adding security features to your vehicle, like alarms or tracking devices, can reduce the theft risk and lower your insurance costs.

Steps to Take if You Have an Accident

If you have an accident while delivering for Uber Eats, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure Safety First:

    • Check for injuries and move to a safe location if possible. Call emergency services if needed.
  2. Report the Accident:

    • Inform the police and Uber Eats about the accident. Contact your insurance provider to report the incident.
  3. Exchange Information:

    • Gather contact and insurance details from other parties involved. Note the make, model, and registration number of other vehicles.
  4. Document the Scene:

    • Take photos of the accident, vehicle damage, and any relevant signs or signals. Write down your recollection of the incident.
  5. Seek Medical Attention:

    • Even if you feel fine, consider visiting a doctor to rule out hidden injuries.

Legal and Financial Consequences

Driving without the correct insurance for Uber Eats drivers in the UK can lead to severe penalties, including fines, penalty points on your licence, vehicle seizure, and higher future insurance premiums. Ensuring you have the proper cover is crucial to avoid these consequences.


Uber Eats delivery insurance is essential for anyone using their vehicle for food delivery. It provides comprehensive protection, ensuring you are covered for any incidents while working. Whether you choose traditional annual policies or flexible options like Uber food delivery insurance pay-as-you-go, having the right cover is vital. By understanding your needs and exploring different options, you can find affordable and effective insurance solutions to protect you while delivering for Uber Eats.

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