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Home Insurance Comparison

You could save upto £162 or more* on your next home insurance, building and contents cover, compare and see how much you could save

Home Insurance UK Price Comparison
Home Insurance UK Price Comparison

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What’s the Difference Between Building and Contents Insurance?

It might be difficult to differentiate between buildings insurance and content insurance. One thing to note is that building insurance covers the physical structure of a property. These include the roof, walls, ceilings, floors, doors, and windows. Fittings and permanent fixtures such as bathroom, kitchen and fitted wardrobes are also covered here. If you have outer structures, e.g. fences, garages, and sheds, these are under protection, as well as pipes, cables and drains connected to your home.

Contents insurance, however, provides security for anything that can be removed and taken with you to another property. These are possessions like clothes, furniture, refrigerator, television, etc. Like everything, there are certain exceptions. So, it’s important that you note when you compare cheap home insurance quotes from your brokers.

Home Insurance UK Price Comparison
Home Insurance UK Price Comparison

Home Insurance FAQs

What is home insurance cover?

Home insurance cover, also known as homeowners insurance, is a type of insurance policy that provides financial protection for your property and possessions in the event of various risks and perils. It typically consists of two main components: buildings insurance and contents insurance. Here’s an overview of what each cover entails:

home insurance (3)

  1. Buildings Insurance: This aspect of home insurance covers the physical structure of your property, including the walls, roof, floors, windows, and permanent fixtures such as fitted kitchens and bathrooms. Buildings insurance protects against fire, storm damage, flood, subsidence, vandalism, and theft. It typically covers repairing or rebuilding your home if damaged or destroyed. The level of cover should be sufficient to rebuild your property, including associated costs like professional fees.
  2. Contents Insurance: Contents insurance covers the belongings inside your home, such as furniture, appliances, electronics, clothing, jewellery, and other personal possessions. It safeguards against risks like fire, theft, vandalism, flood, and accidental damage. Contents insurance typically reimburses you for repairing or replacing damaged or stolen items up to a certain limit. It’s important to accurately estimate the value of your possessions to ensure adequate coverage.

Additional features and optional coverages may be available with home insurance policies. These can include:

  • Personal Liability Coverage: This protects you financially if someone is injured on your property and holds you liable for medical expenses or damages.
  • Alternative Accommodation: If your home becomes uninhabitable due to an insured event, such as a fire or flood, this coverage can help cover the cost of temporary accommodation while your home is being repaired.
  • Legal Expenses: This covers legal costs associated with disputes related to your home, such as boundary disputes or employment issues with domestic staff.

It’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions of your home insurance policy to understand the specific coverage, exclusions, deductibles, and limits. Insurance providers may offer different levels of coverage, and it’s advisable to compare policies from different insurers to find the one that best meets your needs.

Do I need home insurance?

Home insurance is not legally required in the UK but is strongly recommended for homeowners and tenants alike. While it may feel like an additional expense, home insurance provides valuable financial protection and peace of mind in case of unforeseen events or damages. Here are some reasons why having home insurance is beneficial:

  • Protection for your property: Home insurance covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home in the event of damage caused by perils like fire, storm, flood, or vandalism. Without insurance, you would bear the financial burden of repairs or rebuilding, which can be substantial.
  • Coverage for your belongings: Contents insurance protects your possessions, such as furniture, electronics, and clothing, against theft, fire, or accidental damage. If your belongings are damaged, destroyed, or stolen, insurance can reimburse their value, allowing you to replace them.
  • Liability coverage: Home insurance often includes personal liability coverage. This protects you financially if someone is injured on your property and holds you liable for their medical expenses or damages. Without insurance, you could be personally responsible for covering these costs.
  • Peace of mind: Home insurance provides peace of mind, knowing you have financial protection for unexpected events. It can help alleviate the stress and financial burden of repairing or replacing your home and belongings.
  • Lender requirements: If you have a mortgage on your property, your lender may require you to have building insurance. It helps protect their investment in the property. Lenders may still strongly recommend home insurance even if it’s not mandatory.

While home insurance is not compulsory, the potential risks and costs associated with property damage or loss make it highly advisable to have adequate coverage. It’s important to assess your needs, consider the value of your property and possessions, and choose a policy that offers appropriate coverage for your circumstances. It’s also recommended to compare quotes from different insurers to find the most suitable coverage and price.

How can I get cheaper home insurance?

To obtain cheaper home insurance premiums, consider the following tips and strategies:

  1. Shop around and compare quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare coverage and pricing. Use online comparison tools or work with an insurance broker who can assist in finding the best deals based on your needs.
  2. Increase your home security: Install security measures such as burglar alarms, window locks, and security cameras. Insurance providers often offer discounts for homes with enhanced security features.
  3. Increase your deductible: A deductible is an amount you agree to pay out of pocket before insurance coverage kicks in. Opting for a higher deductible can lower your premium but ensure that you can comfortably afford the deductible amount in case of a claim.
  4. Bundle your insurance policies: Consider consolidating your home insurance with other policies, such as auto insurance, under the same provider. Many insurers offer multi-policy discounts that can result in overall savings.
  5. Maintain a good credit score: Insurance providers often consider your credit score when determining premiums. Maintain a good credit history by paying bills on time and managing your finances responsibly, as a higher credit score can lead to lower insurance rates.
  6. Review coverage limits: Assess your coverage needs and adjust the coverage limits accordingly. Ensure that you have adequate coverage for your property and belongings, but avoid over-insuring by eliminating unnecessary add-ons or increasing coverage limits beyond what you require.
  7. Stay claim-free: Building a claims-free history can often lead to lower premiums in the long term. Consider whether filing small claims is necessary or if handling minor repairs out of pocket might be more cost-effective to avoid potential premium increases.
  8. Increase home safety features: Installing safety features such as smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and carbon monoxide detectors can make your home safer and potentially lower your insurance costs.
  9. Ask about discounts: Inquire with insurance providers about any available discounts. Some common discounts include loyalty discounts for long-term policyholders, discounts for retirees, or discounts for certain professional affiliations.

Remember that while seeking cheaper insurance is important, ensuring adequate coverage to protect your home and belongings is equally vital. Read policy terms and conditions carefully, and assess coverage options before deciding.

What does home insurance cover and exclude in a policy

Home insurance typically covers a range of risks and perils that can affect your property and belongings. However, it’s important to note that specific coverage can vary depending on the insurance provider and policy terms. Here is a general overview of what home insurance typically covers and excludes:


  1. Buildings Insurance: This component covers the physical structure of your home and its permanent fixtures against risks like fire, storm damage, flood, subsidence, vandalism, and theft. It generally covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home.
  2. Contents Insurance: Contents insurance covers your personal belongings inside the home, including furniture, appliances, electronics, clothing, jewellery, and other possessions. It protects against fire, theft, vandalism, flood, and accidental damage. It typically provides reimbursement for repairing or replacing damaged or stolen items up to a certain limit.
  3. Personal Liability: Home insurance often includes personal liability coverage, which protects you financially if someone is injured on your property and holds you liable for medical expenses or damages.


  1. Wear and Tear: Home insurance generally does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear or lack of maintenance. It is primarily intended to cover sudden and unexpected events.
  2. Certain Perils or Risks: Some policies may exclude coverage for specific perils, such as acts of terrorism, acts of war, nuclear accidents, or environmental pollution. It’s important to review your policy to understand any exclusions.
  3. Certain High-Risk Items: Some policies may limit or exclude high-value items like fine art, antiques, or valuable jewellery. You may need to purchase additional coverage or a separate policy to protect these items adequately.
  4. Specific Exclusions: Each insurance policy may have specific exclusions, so reviewing the terms and conditions is essential. Common exclusions include damage due to intentional acts, damage from pets, damage from faulty workmanship or construction, or damage caused by unoccupied properties for an extended period.

It’s crucial to carefully review your home insurance policy, including the coverage and exclusions, to understand the specific applicable terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about the coverage, it’s advisable to consult with your insurance provider for clarification and consider seeking professional advice if needed.

How do I get the cheapest home insurance?

Be Sure You Have the Right Amount of Home Insurance
Ensure that your home insurance is based on the cost of rebuilding your home, as opposed to the market value of your home. This is because on many occasions, the cost of rebuilding is way lower than the market value. Many people do not know how to go about this calculation and that is why we help you get the right amount here. You can also start a conversation with us to be sure you’re on the right track to getting cheap home insurance quotes here.

Increase your voluntary excess
Every home insurance excess consists of a compulsory excess and a voluntary excess. The voluntary excess is the amount you offer to pay willingly. If you increase your voluntary excess, it helps to reduce your home insurance premium. We advise you to be smart and only offer to pay what you can afford in case you decide to make a claim.

Consider installing a security system
This is a no-brainer, right? You are helping your insurance broker protect your home, it is only logical that they provide you with cheap home insurance if you install an appropriate security system.

Build up a no claims discount
Finally, for people who do not make a claim on their insurance, they get a reduction the next time they renew their premium. Feeling like a guru already? Get cheap home insurance quotes here now.

What factors affect the cost of home insurance?

Several factors can influence the cost of home insurance in the UK. Insurance providers consider various variables when determining premiums. While specific factors and their impact may vary among insurers, here are some common factors that can affect the cost of home insurance:

  1. Rebuild Value of the Property: The rebuild value represents the cost of completely reconstructing your home. It differs from the market value, focusing solely on the cost of materials and labour. Properties with higher rebuild values generally have higher insurance premiums.
  2. Property Location: The location of your property plays a significant role in determining insurance premiums. Factors such as the area’s crime rate, proximity to bodies of water, and historical weather patterns (flood or storm risk) can impact the cost. Properties located in areas with higher risks may have higher premiums.
  3. Property Type: The type of property you own affects the insurance premium. Factors such as the construction materials used, the age of the property, and the presence of specific features (such as thatched roofs or flat roofs) can impact the cost. Older properties or those with unique features may have higher premiums due to increased risks.
  4. Security Measures: The security measures implemented in your home can impact insurance costs. Properties with enhanced security features such as burglar alarms, window locks, security cameras, and security systems may qualify for discounts and lower premiums.
  5. Claims History: Your claims history and previous insurance record can influence premiums. If you have a history of filing frequent or large claims, insurance providers may consider you a higher risk and charge higher premiums accordingly.
  6. Credit Score: Insurance providers may consider your credit score as a factor in determining premiums. A higher credit score may result in lower insurance rates, as it is often associated with lower risk.
  7. Occupancy: Whether you live in the property yourself or rent it out can impact premiums. Owner-occupied properties may have lower premiums compared to properties rented out to tenants.
  8. Contents Value: The value of your personal belongings and contents coverage also affects the cost of home insurance. Higher-value possessions may require higher coverage limits, resulting in higher premiums.
  9. Additional Coverages and Add-ons: Additional coverages, such as accidental damage or legal expenses, can increase the premium cost. Adding optional add-ons to your policy will contribute to the overall cost.

It’s important to note that each insurance provider may have its specific underwriting criteria and may weigh these factors differently. When seeking home insurance quotes, providing accurate information about your property and circumstances is advisable to receive the most accurate premium estimates.

Is house insurance worth having?

House insurance, also known as home insurance, is worth having for most homeowners in the UK. It provides financial protection and peace of mind by covering potential risks and damages to your property, belongings, and liabilities.

Here are some reasons why house insurance is generally considered worthwhile:

  1. Property Protection: Home insurance typically covers the physical structure of your home, including damage from events such as fire, storm, theft, vandalism, or water damage. It can help cover the costs of repairs or rebuilding your home in the event of a covered loss.
  2. Belongings Coverage: Home insurance usually includes coverage for your personal belongings, such as furniture, electronics, clothing, and appliances. If your possessions are damaged, destroyed, or stolen, your insurance can provide compensation to help replace or repair them.
  3. Liability Protection: Home insurance often includes liability coverage, which can protect you if someone is injured on your property and files a claim against you. It can help cover legal fees, medical expenses, and potential settlement costs.
  4. Mortgage or Lender Requirement: If you have a mortgage on your home, your lender will likely require you to have home insurance as a condition of the loan. It protects both you and the lender’s investment in the property.
  5. Peace of Mind: Home insurance provides peace of mind by knowing that you have financial protection against unexpected events that could lead to significant expenses. It can help you recover and rebuild after a loss.

It’s important to note that home insurance policies can vary in coverage and cost, so it’s essential to carefully review and understand the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the policy you choose. Additionally, regularly reviewing and updating your coverage as your circumstances change is recommended.

While home insurance is generally worthwhile, it’s ultimately a personal decision based on your individual circumstances and risk tolerance.

There is a wide variety of houses, each with its distinct characteristics and architectural styles. Here are some of the most common types of houses you’ll find in the UK:

  • Detached House: A detached house is a standalone property not attached to any other buildings. It offers complete privacy and typically has its own garden or outdoor space.
  • Semi-Detached House: A semi-detached house is attached to one other house, sharing a common wall. Each house typically has its own separate entrance and garden.
  • Terraced House: A terraced house, also known as a row house, is part of a row of identical or similar houses that share side walls. They are typically found in urban areas and can range from a few houses to a long terrace.
  • End-Terrace House: An end-terrace house is situated at the end of a row of terraced houses, with only one side attached to another property.
  • Cottage: Cottages are small, often picturesque houses, usually with a traditional or rural appearance. They are typically found in rural or countryside areas and may have thatched roofs or exposed beams.
  • Bungalow: A bungalow is a single-story house offering the convenience of all rooms on the same level. Bungalows are popular among individuals who prefer single-level living or have mobility concerns.
  • Mews House: Mews houses are typically converted stables or carriage houses located in a courtyard or mews. They are often characterised by their charming, narrow and picturesque design.
  • Victorian/Edwardian House: These houses are characteristic of the architectural styles popular during the Victorian and Edwardian eras, typically featuring ornate detailing, bay windows, and high ceilings.
  • Modern Apartments/Flats: Apartments or flats are multi-unit residential buildings with individual units or flats within them. They are often found in urban areas and can vary in size and design.
  • Period Properties: These are houses that date back to a specific historical period, such as Georgian, Tudor, or Elizabethan, and often feature architectural details and styles representative of that era.
Helpful links

ABI –  Association of British Insurers – The Association of British Insurers is the leading trade association for insurers and providers of long term savings. … need to contact their insurer for a Green Card which they will need to carry on them if they wish to drive their vehicle in the EU.

BIBA – British Insurance Brokers’ Association – The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) is the UK ‘s leading general insurance organisation.

You could save up to £165*
*51% of consumers could save £165.27 on their Home Building & Contents Insurance. The savings were calculated by comparing the cheapest price found with the average of the next seven cheapest prices quoted by insurance providers on Seopa Ltd’s insurance comparison website. This is based on representative cost savings from September 2023. The savings you could achieve are dependent on your individual circumstances.

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