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Family Fleet Insurance

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Family Fleet Insurance UK Price Comparison

Insure Your Fleet with Competitive Family Fleet Insurance

Family Fleet Insurance is used by professionals who require the use of more than one vehicle for deliveries or service or to convey staff and materials. Whatever the case may be, it is economically beneficial to ensure all the vehicles are under a single policy and this sort of policy is known as a motor fleet insurance policy. By utilising motor fleet insurance, you not only save money but also reduce the time spent.

Vehicle Fleet insurance provides you with the option to purchase insurance cover for all your vehicles from one broker. This is normally rewarded with a very attractive discount on your annual premium. This type of cover is very flexible and you can utilise it to insure 2 or more fleet vehicles. Another advantage of this insurance is that you can cover different vehicle types with the same insurance. For example, motor fleet insurance gives you the same cover for a minibus, a lorry, and an SUV.

Different types of vehicle fleets covered:

What Does Family Fleet Insurance Cover?

There are basically three types of fleet insurance including:

Third-Party Only: this is the minimum amount of insurance your company is legally required for operating on UK roads. This type of fleet insurance only protects against injuries to third parties, damage to their vehicles or property. It doesn’t protect the driver or pay for damage to the vehicle. This is the cheapest type of fleet insurance you can have; however, it’s important to understand that you will have to pay any medical bills for the driver and for repairs to the company vehicle.

Third-Party, Fire & Theft: this type of fleet insurance covers everything in the third party insurance, but also includes coverage for theft and fire to the company vehicle.

Fully Comprehensive Cover: is the highest level of fleet insurance coverage, and includes everything listed above, along with everything else including medical bills for the driver and repairs to company vehicles.

Family Fleet Insurance Can Cover:


Flexible Monthly Payments


24hr Claims Helpline


Legal Assistance


Windscreen Cover


Accident Support


Full EU Cover


No Claims Discount / Protected NCB


Replacement Vehicles


Enhanced Claims Service


Introductory Prices


Comprehensive Cover


Instant Documentation

Family Fleet Insurance UK Price Comparison

Family Fleet Insurance FAQs

What is family fleet insurance?

Family Fleet Insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers multiple vehicles and drivers under a single contract. This type of insurance is designed for businesses or organisations that operate a fleet of vehicles, such as car rental companies, taxi firms, delivery services, or any company with multiple company cars.

The advantage of Family Fleet Insurance is that it can simplify the process of insuring vehicles and drivers. Instead of maintaining individual policies for each vehicle and driver, a company can manage everything under one policy. This can make administration easier and may also provide cost savings.

family fleet insurance (2)

Family Fleet Insurance in the UK can provide a range of cover, depending on the needs of the business, including:

  1. Third-party liability: This covers costs associated with damage or injury to another person or their property caused by vehicles in the fleet.
  2. Fire and theft: This provides cover if a fleet vehicle is stolen or damaged by fire.
  3. Comprehensive: This is the highest level of cover, protecting against third-party claims and also covering damage to fleet vehicles, even if the driver is at fault.
  4. Any driver cover: This allows any authorised driver to operate any vehicle in the fleet, providing flexibility for businesses with multiple drivers.
  5. Uninsured loss recovery: This provides cover to recoup costs that are not covered by standard insurance, such as lost income due to a vehicle being off the road.
  6. Windscreen cover: This covers the cost of repairing or replacing windscreens or windows on fleet vehicles.

As with any insurance policy, the specifics of what is covered and the cost of the policy will depend on a range of factors, including the number and type of vehicles, the nature of their use, the claims history of the fleet, and the number and experience of the drivers.

What are the benefits of motor fleet insurance cover?

Family Fleet Insurance cover can provide a number of benefits for businesses and organisations that operate multiple vehicles:

  1. Simplicity and Convenience: Instead of managing individual insurance policies for each vehicle, a company can have one comprehensive policy that covers all vehicles and drivers. This makes the process of administration simpler and more efficient.
  2. Cost-Effective: In many cases, insuring multiple vehicles under a single policy can be more cost-effective than individual policies. This can result in substantial savings, particularly for larger fleets.
  3. Flexibility: With a fleet insurance policy, businesses have the option to allow any authorised driver to drive any vehicle in the fleet, providing greater operational flexibility. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses that need to change drivers or vehicles regularly.
  4. Comprehensive Coverage: Fleet insurance can offer comprehensive coverage that protects against a variety of risks, including theft, fire, damage to the vehicle, and third-party liability. Policies can also include extras such as windscreen cover, breakdown assistance, and uninsured loss recovery.
  5. Streamlined Claims Process: If an accident occurs involving one of the fleet’s vehicles, the claims process can be more streamlined with fleet insurance. The business deals with one insurer, potentially speeding up claims processing and resolution.
  6. Customisation: Fleet insurance policies can often be tailored to meet the specific needs of a business, taking into account factors such as the type of vehicles in the fleet, the nature of the business, and the specific risks the business faces.

It’s important to note that while fleet insurance can offer these benefits, the specifics will depend on the insurer and the particular policy. Businesses should always carefully review the terms of an insurance policy before purchasing to ensure it meets their needs.

How any vehicles does a motor fleet insurance policy cover?

The number of vehicles that a Family Fleet Insurance policy can cover varies depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy. In general, to be eligible for a fleet insurance policy, a business needs to have at least two or more vehicles. There isn’t usually an upper limit for the number of vehicles that can be covered, so policies could potentially cover hundreds or even thousands of vehicles for larger businesses or corporations.

Some insurance providers may offer different tiers of fleet insurance depending on the number of vehicles. For instance, they may offer a mini fleet insurance policy for smaller businesses with a handful of vehicles, and a different product for larger businesses with dozens or hundreds of vehicles.

However, the specifics can vary, so it’s always a good idea to consult with insurance providers or brokers to understand the terms and conditions of their fleet insurance policies.



Family fleet insurance exclusions

Family fleet insurance policies in the UK may vary between different insurance providers, so it’s important to carefully review the specific terms and conditions of your policy. However, here are some common exclusions that are often found in motor fleet insurance policies in the UK:

  • Uninsured drivers: If a driver operating a vehicle covered by the fleet insurance policy does not have a valid driving license or is not covered by the policy, any damage or liability arising from their actions may be excluded.
  • Non-compliance with policy conditions: Failure to comply with the conditions outlined in the policy, such as ensuring drivers have appropriate licenses, maintaining vehicles in a roadworthy condition, or adhering to safety regulations, may result in coverage exclusions.
  • Excluded drivers: Some policies may specifically exclude certain types of drivers, such as drivers with certain driving convictions or drivers under a certain age.
  • Vehicle types or usage: Certain vehicle types or specific uses of vehicles may be excluded from coverage. For example, policies may exclude coverage for vehicles used off-road, for racing or speed testing, or for certain high-risk activities.
  • Wear and tear: Damage resulting from normal wear and tear, mechanical breakdowns, or lack of proper maintenance may be excluded from coverage.
  • Intentional acts: Damage caused intentionally by the policyholder, or any driver covered by the policy will typically not be covered.
  • Unapproved modifications: If a vehicle has been modified in a way that is not approved or disclosed to the insurance company, any resulting damage or liability may be excluded.
  • Named driver policy: If the policy is specifically designated as a named driver policy, coverage may be restricted to the specifically named drivers only. Any claims made by drivers not listed on the policy may be excluded.

These are just some examples of common exclusions found in motor fleet insurance policies in the UK. It’s crucial to carefully review your policy documents or consult with your insurance provider to fully understand the specific exclusions and limitations that apply to your coverage.

How much does family fleet insurance cost?

The price will vary by insurer, but you can generally count that the premium total will depend on the level of coverage you take out. The price will also be determined by the type of vehicles and drivers in your fleet.

The cost of your premium will also depend on the level of risk the insurance provider determines you present their company. Even where you park the vehicles overnight can determine how much the premium will be. For example, if the fleet is left unprotected at night, you will present an increased risk of theft, which means your premium will be higher. On the other hand, if company vehicles are parked in a secure location, your premium could be cheaper.

Other factors that may be used to determine your premium include:

  • Electric/hybrid vehicles (can lower premiums): they don’t pose as much risk since engines are usually not as powerful, plus they have lower CO2 emissions, which can also lower premiums
  • Age of drivers: those over 25, with a clean driving record, will be seen as lower risks, which can lower the premium. However, younger drivers can increase the premium. However, some providers will allow for training courses or require younger drivers to be accompanied, both of which can lower premiums.
  • Training courses for drivers: can also lower the risk and reduce premiums.
  • Regular vehicle maintenance: including daily checks on tyre pressure, oil, brakes, and keeping a service log can reduce premiums.
  • Make drivers responsible for their own excess: can also help to lower premiums
  • Security: improving the security of the fleet and individual vehicles can reduce the premium.
  • Telematics: something like a “black box” can be installed on each vehicle, which allows for monitoring driver speed, behavior, etc. This can also help reduce the premium.

The price of your fleet insurance is based on many variables, and each insurer has its own risk calculations that are used to evaluate these variables. The main thing is to figure out how to lower your risk, which will work (in most cases) to lower the cost of your premium.

Another way to keep premiums down is to do your homework. This means you’ll need to do some comparison shopping. This is not difficult—you just need to use one or more insurance comparison sites to receive fleet insurance quotes from a number of insurance providers.

Once you’ve done the comparison, note down the insurers that look like they might offer a fleet insurance plan that meets your needs. Make a list of these providers, and then contact each one personally. It’s always best to talk directly with an experienced insurance agent or broker before making such a big decision.

And remember to read through each fleet insurance policy before making your final choice on providers. This way you’ll know exactly how the policy works and will have a chance to ask questions about points that may need additional clarification. This way, you’ll be sure to buy only the type of policy that’s a good fit for your company.

How to cut costs on motor fleet insurance

The key to reducing the cost of fleet insurance premiums is to keep risk to a minimum. This means the insurer needs to see that all drivers are responsible, have a UK license, and the right credentials to drive the fleet vehicles. Drivers should be over the age of 25 because insurers see them as more careful than younger people. They should also have clean driving records.

If you do have a younger driver (under 25), then it is possible to limit their mileage, allow them to drive only during the day, or accompanied. These are ways to lower insurance rates for young drivers.

Fleet Insurance can support any drivers aged over 21, 25, 30 and this could be an effective way to allow different drivers to drive different vehicles.

  • Any driver over 21 Years of age
  • Any driver over 25 years of age
  • Any driver over 30 years of age

Sending drivers to training courses will also help insurance providers to view your drivers as more responsible and having the knowledge to drive safely, even in bad weather.

Insurers also like to see that vehicles are properly maintained. This means drivers should conduct daily checks of their vehicles, which includes checking tire pressure, oil levels, and brake pads. All this information should be kept in a service record logbook.

It is also possible to make drivers responsible for paying their own excess. This is a way to ensure they are safe drivers.

Improving the security of vehicles is another way to save money. This may include keeping all fleet vehicles in a safe parking lot that is managed with CCTV, dashboard cameras, locked garages, immobilizers in the vehicle, and more. These may seem like expensive things to add to the fleet, but the cost is worth it to help insurers see that you have lowered the risk to vehicles. This means you pose a lower risk, and your premiums will be lower.

Fleet insurance saves you money by ensuring all company vehicles under one policy. Plus, you do not have to worry about individual renewal dates for each vehicle.

What is the difference between family fleet and commercial fleet insurance?

Family Fleet Insurance and Commercial Fleet Insurance are designed for different purposes and have distinct features:

Family Fleet Insurance:

Family Fleet Insurance is a type of policy designed to cover multiple vehicles under a single insurance policy, which are owned by members of the same family living together. This type of policy is particularly useful for households that have more than one vehicle and want the convenience and potential cost savings of a single policy.

The main benefits of Family Fleet Insurance include:

  • Flexibility: Can often cover a variety of vehicle types, including cars, vans, and motorcycles.
  • Convenience: Allows for easier management as there’s only one policy, one renewal date, and one payment.
  • Potential Cost Savings: Insuring multiple vehicles under one policy may be cheaper than having individual policies for each car.

Commercial Fleet Insurance:

Commercial Fleet Insurance, on the other hand, is designed for businesses or organisations that operate multiple vehicles. These can include delivery vans, taxis, company cars, buses, trucks, and more.

Key features of Commercial Fleet Insurance are:

  • Operational Efficiency: As with Family Fleet Insurance, managing one policy for all vehicles simplifies administration.
  • Business Protection: Covers for third-party liability, protecting the business from potentially large payouts in the event of accidents.
  • Customisation: Policies can be tailored to cover a variety of commercial vehicles and may include options like any driver cover, breakdown assistance, or goods in transit cover.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Depending on the size of the fleet and claims history, a commercial fleet policy could provide cost savings over individual vehicle policies.

The main difference between the two types of insurance lies in their purpose and the scope of coverage. Family Fleet Insurance is designed for personal use, while Commercial Fleet Insurance is designed for business use and often includes additional coverage options suitable for commercial operations.

What types of vehicle does family fleet insurance cover?

Family Fleet Insurance in the UK can cover a wide variety of vehicles, depending on the specific needs of the business and the terms of the policy. It’s designed to be flexible and can cover almost any type of vehicle a business might need to use. Here are some examples of the types of vehicles typically covered:

  1. Cars: These can be company cars used for business purposes, such as sales visits, meetings, or other business-related travel.
  2. Vans: These can include delivery vans, service vans (for tradespeople like plumbers or electricians), or any other type of van used in the course of business.
  3. Trucks and Lorries: Larger commercial vehicles, including HGVs (Heavy Goods Vehicles), can also be covered by a fleet insurance policy.
  4. Buses and Coaches: If your business involves passenger transport, buses and coaches can be covered.
  5. Taxis: Both private hire vehicles (like minicabs) and public hire vehicles (like black cabs) can be covered under a fleet policy.
  6. Specialist Vehicles: This could include anything from forklifts to diggers, agricultural machinery, or other specialist vehicles.
  7. Familycycles: If your business uses motorcycles, for example, for courier work, these can also be included.

Remember, the specific vehicles that can be covered, and the cost of coverage will depend on a variety of factors, including the type and number of vehicles, how they’re used, the drivers who will be operating them, and more. Always check with your insurance provider to ensure that your policy covers everything you need.

What is a included in a motor fleet insurance policy?

A Family Fleet Insurance policy in the UK can include a range of coverages depending on the specific needs of the business. Here are some common elements that could be included in such a policy:

  1. Third-Party Liability: This is a basic level of cover that protects against costs associated with damage or injury to another person or their property caused by vehicles in the fleet. This is a legal requirement in the UK.
  2. Fire and Theft: This provides cover if a fleet vehicle is stolen or damaged by fire.
  3. Comprehensive Cover: This is the highest level of cover, protecting against third-party claims and also covering damage to fleet vehicles, even if the driver is at fault.
  4. Windscreen and Glass Cover: This covers the cost of repairing or replacing windscreens or windows on fleet vehicles.
  5. Legal Expenses: Some policies may include cover for legal costs associated with claims or disputes.
  6. Breakdown Assistance: This can provide cover for costs associated with breakdowns, potentially including things like roadside assistance, recovery services, or the provision of a replacement vehicle.
  7. Uninsured Loss Recovery: This covers costs that are not recoverable from a third party following an accident, such as policy excess, loss of use, hire costs for alternative transport, and personal injury.
  8. Goods in Transit Cover: If the business involves transporting goods, this can provide cover for loss or damage to those goods.
  9. Any Driver Cover: This allows any authorised driver to drive any vehicle in the fleet, providing flexibility for businesses with multiple drivers.
  10. Telematics: Some insurers may offer reduced premiums or other benefits for businesses that agree to install telematics devices in their fleet vehicles. These devices can monitor driving behaviour, which can help to manage risk.

It’s important to note that the specifics of what’s included in a fleet insurance policy can vary between different insurers and policies. Always check the terms of a policy carefully to make sure it meets your business’s needs.

How many vehicles is considered a fleet?

The minimum number of vehicles required to be considered a “fleet” can vary based on the insurance provider’s policies. Generally, most insurance companies consider you to have a fleet if you have at least 2-5 vehicles. Some providers may offer a “mini fleet” insurance for smaller businesses that own 2-5 vehicles, while others might require a larger number for their standard fleet insurance.

On the other end of the spectrum, there usually isn’t a maximum limit to the number of vehicles that can be insured under a fleet insurance policy, and policies can potentially cover hundreds or even thousands of vehicles for larger businesses or corporations.

It’s always a good idea to consult with the specific insurance provider or broker to understand their terms and conditions for fleet insurance policies.

Does vehicle fleet insurance come with exclusions?

Yes, like any insurance policy, Vehicle Fleet Insurance does come with certain exclusions, which means there are situations where coverage would not apply. These exclusions can vary by insurer and policy, so it’s important to read the policy document carefully. However, here are some common exclusions you might find:

  1. Wear and Tear: Normal wear and tear or mechanical breakdowns are typically not covered by a vehicle fleet insurance policy.
  2. Driver Exclusions: There might be exclusions related to the drivers, such as unlicensed drivers, drivers under a certain age, or drivers with certain types of convictions.
  3. Unsafe Vehicles: If a vehicle in the fleet is deemed unsafe or not roadworthy, any claims involving that vehicle might not be covered.
  4. Contractual Liability: If the policyholder assumes liability under a contract or agreement, that liability will not typically be covered unless the liability would have existed even without the contract.
  5. Deliberate Damage: Any damage caused deliberately by the policyholder or drivers is not typically covered.
  6. Inappropriate Use: If a vehicle is used in a way not specified in the policy (such as being used for racing or other competitions), it would not be covered.
  7. Territorial Limits: Some policies may only provide coverage for incidents that occur in certain areas, like within the UK, and might not cover international use.
  8. Goods in Transit: Unless explicitly included, damage to goods being transported in the vehicle may not be covered.

Remember, each insurance company and each policy may have different exclusions, so it’s important to thoroughly review the policy documentation to fully understand what is and isn’t covered.

Can anyone drive on fleet insurance?

Whether anyone can drive on a fleet insurance policy depends on the specifics of the policy. In general, most fleet insurance policies will cover employees of the company that holds the policy, provided they have a valid driver’s license and are authorised by the company to drive.

Some fleet insurance policies may offer an “any driver” option, which means any authorised driver can drive any vehicle covered by the policy. This offers greater flexibility, particularly for businesses that have multiple drivers who may need to drive different vehicles at different times.

However, even with an “any driver” policy, there may be certain restrictions. For example, some policies might exclude drivers under a certain age (like 25) or drivers with certain types of convictions.

As always, it’s important to check the specific terms of the insurance policy to understand who is covered to drive the vehicles in the fleet. If there are specific individuals who need to be covered, you should ensure they are included on the policy or that the policy allows them to drive.

What type of add-ons can I include with my fleet insurance policy?

When you take out a fleet insurance policy in the UK, you may be offered a variety of additional covers or “add-ons” to enhance your policy. These can provide additional protection and services that aren’t included in the standard policy. Here are a few examples:

  1. Breakdown Cover: This can provide assistance in the event of a breakdown, including roadside assistance, vehicle recovery, and potentially the provision of a replacement vehicle.
  2. Legal Expense Cover: This can cover legal costs associated with claims or disputes related to the fleet.
  3. Goods in Transit Cover: If your business involves transporting goods, this can provide cover for loss or damage to those goods while in transit.
  4. Windscreen and Glass Cover: This covers the cost of repairing or replacing windscreens or windows on fleet vehicles without affecting your no-claims bonus.
  5. Uninsured Loss Recovery: This can help you recover costs that aren’t covered by your standard insurance policy, like your policy excess or hire costs for alternative transport.
  6. Courtesy Vehicle Cover: This can provide a replacement vehicle while one of your fleet vehicles is being repaired following a claim.
  7. Telematics/Black Box Insurance: Some insurers offer benefits for fleets that agree to install telematics devices in their vehicles, which can monitor driving behaviour and help manage risk.
  8. European Cover: If your business involves travel in Europe, you may want to add European cover to your policy to ensure your vehicles are protected when they travel outside the UK.
  9. Personal Accident Cover: This provides financial compensation in the event of death or serious injury to the driver following a road accident.
  10. Public Liability Insurance: This covers your legal liability for any damage or injury caused to the public or their property.

Remember, each of these add-ons will likely increase the cost of your policy. It’s important to consider your business’s specific needs and risks to determine which add-ons, if any, are worth including in your policy. Always consult with your insurance provider or broker to understand what’s included in your policy and what additional covers are available.

What should I think about when I compare fleet insurance?

When comparing fleet insurance policies in the UK, there are several factors that you should take into account to ensure you’re getting the best coverage for your business’s needs and budget.

  1. Level of Coverage: Fleet insurance policies can range from third-party only cover (the minimum legal requirement), to third-party, fire and theft, to comprehensive cover. Consider the level of coverage that’s appropriate for your business.
  2. Price: While it’s important to get an affordable policy, don’t base your decision on price alone. Cheaper policies may not offer the coverage you need. Look for the best balance of price and coverage.
  3. Policy Exclusions: Be aware of what is not covered by the policy. All insurance policies have exclusions, so make sure you understand these and whether they impact your business.
  4. Policy Add-ons: Consider whether you need any additional coverage, such as breakdown cover, legal expenses cover, goods in transit cover, or uninsured loss recovery.
  5. Claims Process: Look at the insurer’s process for handling claims. Is it straightforward? Do they have a reputation for handling claims efficiently and fairly?
  6. Customer Reviews: Look at reviews from other customers to get an idea of the insurer’s customer service and reputation.
  7. Flexibility: Can the policy be customized to your needs? Can it cover all the different types of vehicles in your fleet and all your drivers?
  8. Policy Excess: Consider the compulsory and voluntary excess on the policy. Higher excess might result in a lower premium, but it also means higher out-of-pocket costs if you need to make a claim.
  9. Insurer’s Financial Stability: Check the insurer’s financial stability. It’s important to know that the insurance company can pay out if you need to make a claim.
  10. Policy Terms and Conditions: Always read the policy document carefully to understand the terms and conditions of the cover.

Getting professional advice from an insurance broker or adviser can also be beneficial when comparing fleet insurance policies. They can help you understand the various policy offerings and find the best policy for your specific business needs.

How can I find cheap fleet insurance?

Finding affordable or “cheap” fleet insurance involves more than just looking for the lowest premium. You also want to ensure you’re getting the necessary coverage for your business. Here are some strategies that can help you find an affordable policy that still meets your needs:

  1. Compare Quotes: The most straightforward way to potentially save money on fleet insurance is to compare quotes from different providers. Different insurers may offer different prices for similar coverage, so it’s worth checking a variety of insurers to get the best deal.
  2. Consider Your Coverage Needs: Don’t pay for coverage you don’t need. Review your business’s needs carefully and tailor your policy to match. For example, if your fleet consists only of vans, you don’t need a policy that covers heavy goods vehicles.
  3. Risk Management: Implementing risk management practices can help lower your premiums. This could include regular vehicle maintenance to prevent breakdowns or accidents, driver training programs to promote safe driving, or installing security features on vehicles to prevent theft.
  4. Excess: Increasing your policy excess (the amount you pay towards a claim) can lower your premiums. However, make sure it’s an amount you could afford to pay if you needed to make a claim.
  5. Telematics: Some insurers offer discounts if you agree to install telematics devices in your vehicles. These devices monitor driving behaviour, and safe driving can result in lower premiums.
  6. No Claims Bonus: If your business has a good claims history, make sure your insurer takes this into account. A no-claims bonus can significantly reduce your premiums.
  7. Pay Annually: If you can afford to pay your premium annually rather than monthly, you can often save money.
  8. Specialist Broker: Consider working with a broker who specializes in fleet insurance. They can help you navigate the market and find the best deal for your specific needs.

Remember, while price is an important factor, the cheapest policy isn’t necessarily the best one if it doesn’t provide the coverage your business needs. Always ensure you’re adequately covered to protect your business against unexpected events.

Helpful Links

RHA – Road haulage Association – The only UK Trade Association Dedicated Solely to the Needs of UK Road Transport Operators.

FORS – The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme for fleet operators which aims to raise the level of quality within fleet operations, and to demonstrate which operators are achieving exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency, and environmental protection.

FTA –  FTA is one of the biggest business groups in the UK, supporting, shaping and standing up for efficient logistics. We are the only organisation in the UK that represents all of logistics

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